Sunday, August 21, 2011

Just being me

Okay so I am trying to change things around on my blog site (learning as I go) but, not just here my shop "The Scrappers Club" as well as trying to set my mind right for work, (for the next five days).  One has to be fit in order to be able to keep with all this journaling, Managing your own shop and being there at he shop 24/7. Never mind that fact that I have two kiddo's and a four bedroom house to keep clean all by MYSELF!!!!  (Hubby works away from home I only see him every second weekend)
I have started designing my own chipboard designs and managed to find a manufacture right here in my home town (which makes life for me just a little easier),

So during all this chaos in my life I have decided to start eating right again. Nothing after 8, I tend to work long hours with out eating and only then realize that the time is 2 in the morning. and Oh boy then I and hungry and will more than likely make myself a cup of coffee instead!

Right so this week it down to lots of water, lots of fruit during the day and a nice hearty breakfast in the I have lots on my plate and need to get everything done in time.

Goodnight for now sleep tight!

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